Our Lead Pastors

Pastors Manuel and Fiona Pascoal

“But as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.” – Joshua 24:15 NKJV

Pastor Manuel is a dynamic preacher of the word, with great zeal and wisdom. Raised under the nurturing care of Bishop DA Lazarus, he serves diligently the flock of God. Called for this time and place, he speaks to the generations of the day, calling each one to a radical faith in Christ Jesus.

Together with his wife, Pastor Fiona they make a power-packed team! Pastor Fiona is a devoted woman of God, a daughter in the faith. She teaches the word of God with depth and living reality.

The Lord has blessed them with 4 beautiful children, Nathanael, Daniella, Benita and Samuel. As a family, the words of Joshua are held in high commitment and dedication.


Fulfilling the Kingdom Mandate –  Acts 2:42-47




